Every March 18th marks the beginning of Transit Driver Appreciation Week, a time when everyone is encouraged to show appreciation to the thousands of transit operators who work tirelessly to keep our communities running smoothly.

The Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA) is extending its recognition with a full week of gratitude until March 25th. Each year, transit systems, businesses, riders, and elected officials recognize and thank Canada’s dedicated public transit staff. In Calgary alone, there are nearly 2,500 Calgary Transit operators who transport millions of Calgarians around the city each year.

Take a moment to thank and appreciate your transit driver for a job well done. As you know, transit drivers make an important contribution to the communities they serve.
For starters, they ensure the safety of transit travellers, keep track of the stops, inform passengers of delays, collect fares, and have the ultimate responsibility of dropping passengers off at the correct location. Moreover, these transportation professionals also perform basic vehicle maintenance to ensure their vehicle is in good working order at the start of their shift.

It’s hard to imagine a world without them! Navigating our towns and cities would be much more challenging without transit drivers and public transportation.